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Why Supporting Tourism Means Supporting Healthcare on PEI


We’re all feeling the weight of the current healthcare crisis on PEI. With a shortage of doctors, nurses and hospital staff and limited bed availability, it’s clear our system is under pressure. 

While we all agree that investing in healthcare is crucial, there’s another, often overlooked solution that can help: tourism!

Maintaining a thriving tourism industry is one of the best ways we can improve PEI’s healthcare system.

How Tourism Supports Healthcare

You might be wondering, “How could festivals, beaches, and events possibly help fix our healthcare system?”

 It’s a fair question, but the answer is simple: tourism brings in money—lots of it. 

The tourism industry has proven to be a good investment for Islanders.

Did you know tourism only receives 1% of the province’s budget?  That amounts to far fewer dollars compared to other provinces, even though Tourism is the number two economic driver for PEI. And, to further put this percentage into perspective, healthcare receives about 33% of the province’s budget (and rightly so—our doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers are absolutely essential). 

But what’s great about tourism is the impressive return on investment: for every dollar invested, the province receives more than 300% in return. That’s right—300%!

Tourism generates $84 million in provincial tax revenue each year, and that money goes back into our community, helping fund essential services like education, transportation, and, you guessed it, healthcare! 

Provincial tax dollars generated by tourism help fund doctors’ and nurses’ salaries and provide essential hospital resources.

And unlike short-term fixes, tourism investment works like planting seeds for future growth. 

For instance, investing one million dollars in tourism can generate tens of millions in revenue over the years. This extra income can then fund additional staff training, and expanded services.

By creating this sustainable cycle, tourism strengthens the economy, which in turn supports healthcare. 

But, Tourism doesn’t just invest in healthcare financially; it also enhances the quality of life on PEI, which is essential for attracting and retaining healthcare professionals.

Building a Community That Attracts Healthcare Workers

Imagine you’re a doctor, nurse, or healthcare specialist considering a move to PEI. Sure the scenery is beautiful, but what truly makes the Island stand out?

It’s the vibrant music scene, thriving arts community, diverse culinary experiences, our year-round festivals and events, and endless outdoor adventures that make PEI an exceptional place to live. And all of these opportunities are made possible by a strong tourism industry.

The tourism industry plays a key role in recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals by fostering a vibrant community they’ll be proud to call home.

But the benefits of tourism don’t stop there!


More Ways Contribute to Healthcare on PEI

  • Employment Opportunities: Tourism creates jobs for students, helping them finance their education while developing critical skills transferable to various sectors, including healthcare.
  • Supporting Educational Initiatives: Provincial tax revenue generated through tourism helps fund infrastructure development such as UPEI’s upcoming Medical School, contributing to the development of PEI’s healthcare workforce.
  • Promoting Preventative Health: Tourism on PEI encourages outdoor activities, nature exploration, and fitness, as well as wellness services like spas and holistic retreats which help foster healthier lifestyles, supporting overall well-being and reducing the burden on the healthcare system by emphasizing prevention over treatment.

So, as Islanders, let’s remember not to take tourism for granted. It’s a powerhouse industry that works tirelessly to make PEI a better, healthier place.

At the end of the day, it’s true what they say: a rising tide raises all boats. 

Supporting tourism is supporting healthcare. It’s all connected—creating a vibrant, thriving Island where everyone benefits. So, let’s keep supporting tourism. It’s one of the best things we can do to ensure a healthier future for PEI.